Docker Container Monitoring Web UI | NexClipper

NexClipper is the container monitoring and performance management solution specialized in Docker, Apache Mesos, Marathon, DC/OS, Mesosphere, Kubernetes platforms, and Cloud especially supports machine learning based predictive, forecasting, anomaly detection.

There are two different versions of NexClipper, NexClipper Cloud is for cluster level service and collecting customer metric to NexClipper’s cloud server. NexClipper light is an open source version which installs a module for agent and web UI on the host machine.



NexClipper Cloud is online SaaS for monitoring and managing performance of container cluster – Docker, DC/OS, and Kubernetes.


Fullstack dashboard (Infrastructure, DC/OS, Kubernetes)
Container Cluster (DC/OS, Kuberentes)
Service Performance (for API)
Infrastructure Monitoring (Container, Host, Resource)
Incidents Management
AI Analytics (Forecasting, Anomaly detection, Metric correlation)

NexClipper Light Container Monitor

NexClipper light is a host-level monitoring tool for Docker, DC/OS and Kubernetes without additional long-term data store, and not for container cluster level. But it provides almost necessary information to monitor Docker instantly. NexClipper Light features the following capabilities:

  • Dashboard
  • Container list
  • Status of containers (total containers, running, paused, stopped)
  • Number of Images
  • Container resource usage (CPU, memory, network, block i/o)
  • Container process, network, environment, network, log

How to install NexClipper Light

sudo docker run \
--detach=true \
--name NexClipper \
-p 10001:9001 \
--volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
--volume /var/lib/docker:/var/lib/docker \

Once done connect exposed a web UI at its port.


NexClipper Container CPU monitor

NexClipper Container CPU monitor